Board Agenda: August 12, 2024

SE Colorado Region 19 Opioid Settlement Board

Meeting Date:  August 12, 2024, 3:00 PM

This meeting will be held via Zoom.  Access information below agenda.

  1. Call to order.
  2. Guidance for guests.
    • Enter name and agency in the chat.
    • Remain muted.  Observe only. Comments may be entered in the chat
  3. Approval of agenda.
  4. Approval of minutes.
  5. Facilitator Update (RFP update for Treatment; Update on Contracts for Educations and Prevention and County Mini-Grants).
  6. Discussion of 2-year plan.
  7. Discussion of additional Prevention and Education application that met the deadline and requirements.
  8. VOTING ITEM: Additional Prevention and Education grant.
  9. County Mini-Grant Presentations – Bent and Las Animas Counties
  10. Other business
  11. Next meeting:  August 26, 2024
  12. Adjournment

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 777 397 6888

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+16699006833,,7773976888# US (San Jose)

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