Board Agenda: November 18, 2024

SE Colorado Region 19 Opioid Settlement Board
Meeting Date: November 18, 2024, 3:00 PM

This meeting will be held via Zoom. Access information below agenda.

  1. Call to order
  2. Guidance for guests:
    a. Enter name and agency in the chat.
    b. Remain muted. Observe only. Comments may be entered in the chat.
  3. Approval of agenda
  4. Approval of minutes
    Public Comment. Anyone wishing to address the Board, please state your name and you will have 3 minutes to speak.
  5. Facilitator Update
  6. Previously Tabled Item: VOTING ITEM: Consider approving Pueblo Department of Public Health and Environment’s request to reallocate funds because United Way is no longer their fiscal agent.
  7. Presentation: Safeside Recovery (Rob Miller)
  8. VOTING ITEM: Consider reimbursing former Commissioner Wendy Buxton-Andrade for travel to the Opioid Conference in the amount of $276.00 to accept the Champion of the Year award for her service to Region 19.
  9. Discussion Item: Consider allocating the criminal justice line item for Year 2 funding in the amount of $453,220.62 to county jails in Region 19 rather than through an RFP process.
  10. Discussion Item: Modifications to the current Board structure.
  11. Other business
  12. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Enter into an Executive Session pursuant to C.R.S. Section 24-6-402(e) for the purpose of determining positions relative to matters that may be subject to negotiations; developing strategy for negotiations and instructing negotiators related to harm reduction.
  13. VOTING ITEM: Consider allocating additional award of Treatment funds.
  14. Next meeting: TBD
  15. Adjournment

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