Board Agenda: May 13, 2024

Meeting date: May 13, 2024, 3:00-4:00 PM

This meeting will be held via Zoom. Access information below agenda.

  1. Call to order
  2. Guidance for guests
    1. Enter name and agency in the chat
    1. Remain muted. Observe only. Comments may be entered in the chat.
  3. Approval of agenda
  4. Approval of minutes
  5. Facilitator Update (Records Retention Policy)
  6. Funding Update
  7. Press Conference
  8. VOTING ITEM: Crossroads Extension
  9. VOTING ITEM: Health Solutions Extension
  10. Other business
  11. Next meeting: TBD
  12. Adjournment

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Meeting ID: 777 397 6888

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Meeting ID: 777 397 6888

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