SE Colorado Region 19 Opioid Settlement Board
Meeting Date: November 18, 2024, 3:00 PM
This meeting will be held via Zoom. Access information below agenda.
- Call to order
- Guidance for guests:
a. Enter name and agency in the chat.
b. Remain muted. Observe only. Comments may be entered in the chat. - Approval of agenda
- Approval of minutes
Public Comment. Anyone wishing to address the Board, please state your name and you will have 3 minutes to speak. - Facilitator Update
- Previously Tabled Item: VOTING ITEM: Consider approving Pueblo Department of Public Health and Environment’s request to reallocate funds because United Way is no longer their fiscal agent.
- Presentation: Safeside Recovery (Rob Miller)
- VOTING ITEM: Consider reimbursing former Commissioner Wendy Buxton-Andrade for travel to the Opioid Conference in the amount of $276.00 to accept the Champion of the Year award for her service to Region 19.
- Discussion Item: Consider allocating the criminal justice line item for Year 2 funding in the amount of $453,220.62 to county jails in Region 19 rather than through an RFP process.
- Discussion Item: Modifications to the current Board structure.
- Other business
- EXECUTIVE SESSION: Enter into an Executive Session pursuant to C.R.S. Section 24-6-402(e) for the purpose of determining positions relative to matters that may be subject to negotiations; developing strategy for negotiations and instructing negotiators related to harm reduction.
- VOTING ITEM: Consider allocating additional award of Treatment funds.
- Next meeting: TBD
- Adjournment
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