Board Minutes: April 8, 2024

SE Colorado Region 19 Opioid Settlement Board

April 8, 2024 via Zoom

Present, County Represented

Blaine Arbuthnot, Terry McMillian, Crowley

Wendy Buxton-Andrade, Prowers

Rick Butler, Baca

Rob Oquist, Otero

Dennis Pearson, Meagan Hillman, Kiowa

John Galusha, Huerfano

Felix Lopez, Las Animas

Eppie Griego, Steve Bryant, Pueblo


Kristin Carpenter, Colorado Consortium for Drug Abuse Prevention

Mindy Baumgardner, CO AG’s Office

Ginger Whately, Crossroads Turning Points

Ronda Bucholz, Las Animas School District

Christine Charron, Southern Colorado Health Network

Jamey Davidson, Colorado Health Network

Terri Schreiber, The Schreiber Research Group (TSRG)                      

Rob Miller, Safeside Recovery

Jamie Vilallobos, Colorado Health Network

Brian Richmeier, Remedy Healthcare

Michelle Francis, Catholic Charities SE CO

Theodora Barychewsky, Colorado Coalition for the Homeless

Call to Order

Wendy Buxton-Andrade calls the meeting to order at 3:02 p.m.

Approval of Agenda

Rob Oquist and Rick Butler moved and seconded the approval of the Agenda – Agenda approved.

Approval of Minutes

Felix Lopex and Eppie Griego moved and seconded the approval of the minutes – Minutes approved.

Facilitator Update

Rose gave un update on activities.  We have received $25,338.40 on 11/30/2023 from Southeast, $137,480.00 on 12/21/2023 from National Trust II Opioid Abatement, $710,323.22 on 2/21/2024 from Distributor Payment, $449,308.65 on 2/21/2024 from Janssen and we also received the year one left over payment from Pueblo at $421,114.27.  The distribution settlement payments received so far is $1,322,450.27 and then you can add in the Pueblo Year One forwarded funds.  This is NOT all the funds that is allotted to the region, so the RFP cannot be awarded until all funds are received.  Mindy Baumgardner from the AG’s office, let the board know that Brown and Greer will go out on 4/15 and Mallinkrodt on 4/23.  As always, the dates are subject to change but the anticipated funds should be received before the end of April and invited anyone with questions to please reach out to the Opioid Division at the AG’s office.  Rose is working on the Zoom and the records retention policy and will try to have it ready in May or June meeting. The policies will be structured around the MOU language and the language in the MOU states that records will need to be kept for no less than 5 years.

VOTING ITEM:  Colorado Health Network budget modification and extension request.

Jamie Villalobos and Jamey Davidson from Colorado Health Network explained that they are requesting a modification on their budget for the Salary line for the months of the extension that was approved. 

Blaine Arbuthnot and John Galusha seconded the motion to approve the modification item.  Motion Approved.

VOTING ITEM:  Health Solutions budget adjustment.

LeAnna Pacheco from Health Solutions presented that they are requesting line item budgets be adjusted from operations expense to vehicle, no extension is needed, just the adjustment of the line items.  Per client increase in cost increase of deliverable needs increased for $60,00 for the cost of the van for mobile services.  The van was more expensive than they had budget for by $3,165.

John Galusha and Rob Oquest seconded the motion to approve the budget adjustment.  Motion Approved.

Other business

Scheduling Grantee presentations will be in June and July to allow for more time for each to present what they have achieved with the funding for year one.  It was also discussed to have a press conference in May to roll out the awareness for the website and the business cards and the posters that each county will have.  Pueblo has agreed to host the event and Rose will send out a press release and invitations to the press to attend. Dates were discussed and Rose said she would send out Wednesday and Friday dates to see when the majority could attend. The press conference will be a way to make sure that the public is aware of the new cards and website that SECOR has available to the public.


Rob Oquist and Steve Bryant motioned to adjournment – Motion approved

Next Meeting:

Monday, May 13th at 3:00 p.m.

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