Present, County Represented
Blaine Arbuthnot, Terry McMillian – Crowley
Meagan Hillman – Prowers
Rick Butler – Baca
Joni Wilk – Bent
Rob Oquist – Otero
Dennis Pearson – Kiowa
Felix Lopez – Las Animas
Eppie Griego – Pueblo
Mindy Baumgarder – CO AG’s Office
Theodora Barychewsky – Colorado Coalition for the Homeless
Jessica Apodaca – Pueblo DPHE
Rob Miller – SafeSide Recovery
Felicia Tapia – SoCo Harm Reduction
Sarah Money – Colorado Health Network
Kristin Carpenter – Colorado Consortium for Prescription Drugs
Christine Charron – Southern Colorado Health Network
Rick Ritter – Crowley/Otero County Public Health
Jamie Cooke – Project Apollo Street Medicine
Brandy Kinslow – Rural Recover Network
Dayna DeHerrera-Smith – Porch Light Health-Front Range Clinic
Lisa Trigilio – Fort Lyon
Andrea LaRew – Colorado Chiropractic Association
Chris Menges – SUD Program Director OCHD
Terri Schreiber – The Schreiber Research Group
Call to Order
Felix Lopez called the meeting to order at 3:01 p.m.
Approval of Agenda
Rob Oquist and Dennis Pearson moved and seconded the approval of the Agenda – Agenda approved.
Approval of Minutes
Blaine Arbuthnot and Dennis Pearson moved and seconded the approval of the minutes – Minutes approved.
Facilitator Update
Wendy gave an update on the Treatment RFP. The deadline was August 23, 2024 and Rose is working on getting a list put together and will be coordinating with the RFP committee to schedule a time to meet and review the grant applications. Prevention and Education contracts went out on the 20 th and 21 st of August and now are just waiting for the signatures and the contracts to be returned and then will forward to Crowley County to sign and send out the funding for the grants. The mini-grant contracts also went out those same dates and when those are returned signed, they will be sent to Crowley County for the final signature and the money will be sent out. Rose and Wendy are working on getting the financials updated. We have the financials from Crowley County, but we just want to make sure everyone’s spreadsheets align and we can get them to the Board. Crowley County has been great with the financials and even have given the Board credit for the interest earned so the Board will have additional funds to invest in the communities they serve.
There was also discussion about the updated 2-year plan that is required by the MOU. If anyone wants voice a change on the percentages, please email Rose your suggestions so the full board can vote on the percentages at the next meeting. Criminal Justice is one area that needs attending and the correct wording from the new MOU from the Attorney General’s office will be used in the updated two-year plan. The understanding from Wendy and her discussion with Jack at the Attorney Generals office is that the Criminal Justice line will now be combined with the Treatment line and the Criminal Justice area will now become the Opioid Abatement Planning Coordination and other Administration Costs. Mindy Baumgardner from the Attorney’s General office wanted to double check on the wording of that and make sure that is what the new category headings are. (Mindy called Wendy after the meeting and confirmed that the categories are correct as Wendy had stated during the meeting.) The training for the facilitators will be September 5th and the facilitators will bring back the exact language to the next board so an informed vote can be taken.
VOTING ITEM: 2-Year Plan for the 2024 through 2026
Rob Oquist and Blaine Arbuthnot moved and seconded the approval of Tabling the 2-year plan until after the Facilitator training and clarification on the budget line items. Motion approved.
County Mini-Grant Presentations:
Rick Ritter, Director of Otero/Crowley County Public Health gave a presentation on how they have spent their mini-grant funding. On June 29th , the Counties sponsored an event with Medtrans, SafetyJam, the event was well attended by both counties and brought awareness to the communities about the Opioid problem in the counties. They did a poker motorcycle run in the morning and various activities that ran all day at the La Junta city park. Vendors from all over the valley attended along with speakers and advocates. The event was so successful that they will hold another one next year and still have people calling and asking questions to get additional information from Public Health.
Other Business
Terri Schreiber form the Schreiber Group gave a brief presentation on the sub-group they have been working on setting up. The group will be named the Task Force Group and will enable the providers a forum to share ideas and information and will bring it back to the board, when it is warranted. Terri shared a power point with the ideas for the group and her slides are attached.
Felix Lopez also brought up a discussion item about adding a public comment section to our agendas. He has been asked by a few people if this is a possibility. Wendy said she would check with Rose, the attorney for the group, and make sure this is in line with the Board’s policy and if it is, it will be added to the next agenda or brought back to the Board for a vote.
Rob Oquist and Eppie Griego motioned to adjournment at 3:44 p.m. – Motion approved
Next Meeting:
Monday, September 9, 2024 at 3:00 p.m.