Board Minutes: July 22, 2024

Present, County Represented
Kim McDonnell, Bent
Felix Lopez, Las Animas
Rob Oquist, Otero
Dennis Pearson, Meagan Hillman Kiowa

Rob Archuleta, Elizabeth Riffle – Crossroads Turning Points
Felicia Tapia – SoCo Harm Reduction
Theodora Barychewsky – Colorado Coalition for the Homeless
Sarah Money, Torrie Jordan – Colorado Health Network
Michelle Francis – Catholic Charities of Southern CO
Vince Petkosek – City of Pueblo
Aubrie Radford – CSU Prevention Research Center
Kristin Carpenter – Colorado Consortium for Prescription Drugs
Jessica Apodaca – Pueblo Co Public Health
Christine Charron – Southern Colorado Health Network
Jamie Cooke Otero – County Public Health
Ashley McCutcheon

Call to Order
Wendy Buxton-Andrade called the meeting to order at 3:01 p.m.

Approval of Agenda
Rob Oquist and Felix Lopez moved and seconded the approval of the Agenda-Agenda approved.

Approval of Minutes
Dennis Pearson and Kim McDonnell moved and seconded the approval of the minutes – Minutes approved.

Facilitator Update
Rose gave an update on the exhibit A is now referred to as E in the MOU. The Attorney General’s office has changed the exhibits to help explain and expand on some of the definitions as well as clarity on the qualified uses of the Opioid Settlement funds. The exhibits have been sent out to all members for review and any questions can be answered at the next meeting.

Release of Treatment RFP will be done first thing on July 23rd and will be open for 30 days. Rose also updated on the RFP committee and the Prevention and Education applications.

Otero County/Arkansas Valley Substance Abuse Prevention and Intervention Program, original funding request was $1,266,654.37, updated to $1,222,565.58 and then updated to $1,109,765.58. RFP committee recommendation: $588,311.60

Southern Colorado Health Network, funding request is $285,173. RFP Committee Recommendation: $285,173.

Pueblo Department of Public Health and Environment (SoCoYoGo), funding request is $36,292.70. RFP Committee Recommendation: $36,292.70.

Pueblo Department of Public Health and Environment (Stigma Reduction), funding request is $41,142. RFP Committee Recommendation: $41,142.

Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Pueblo, Inc, funding request is $50,000. RFP Committee Recommendation: $50,000.

Crossroads’ Turning Points, Inc. funding request is $299,276. RFP Committee Recommendation: $100,000.

The Remedy Healthcare RFP response was deemed unresponsive because it did not have a local government or audits included in the original request.

VOTING ITEM: Award Prevention and Education Grant Recipients
Kim McDonnell and Rob Oquist moved and seconded the approval of the RFP Committees recommendations for funding as listed above – Motion approved.

VOTING ITEM: Election of Chair
Wendy Buxton-Andrade and Rob Oquist seconded the motion to nominate Felix Lopez as the next Chair of the board.  No other nominations were heard.  Motion approved.

VOTING ITEM: Election of Vice-Chair
Wendy Buxton-Andrade and Felix Lopez seconded the motion to nominate Meagan Hillman as the next Vice-Chair of the board.  No other nominations were heard.  Motion approved.

Grantee Presentation
County Mini-Grant presentation.  Joni Wilk from Bent County was ill, so they will do their presentation at the next meeting.

Wendy Buxton-Andrade and Meagan Hillman did a presentation for Prowers County.  Prowers County has funded two Narcan dispensing boxes, one is placed at the County Courthouse, and one is place at the City of Lamar’s library/courts entry way.  Both boxes go through about 100 boxes of Narcan a week and the Public Health Department is keeping them filled with the free Narcan.  They have also sponsored a movie night with RESADA at the local movie theatre and gave out information on Opioids and where to receive help.  This money has also been used to help defer costs of employee wages to do the extra work for the county.  

The two counties that volunteered for presentations at the next meeting are Bent and Las Animas County.

Other Business
No other business was discussed.

Meagan Hillman and Rob Oquist Motioned to adjournment at 3:34 p.m.– Motion approved

Next Meeting:
Monday, August 12, 2024, at 3:00 p.m.

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