Records Retention Policy


The purpose of this Policy is to outline document retention procedures for Southeast Colorado Opioid Region 19 (“SECOR”). This policy pertains to Board members, staff members or others acting on behalf of SECOR.

In conjunction with the Colorado Open Records Act (CORA), this policy is in place to ensure documents and communications are retained for sufficient time periods and available for public inspection upon request. This policy defines length of retention, manor of retention and definitions of the types of documents and communications to be retained.


This Policy shall apply to all official documents and communications regarding business conducted in the course of work by SECOR. Individual, unofficial “intellectual property” is not subject to this Policy.


Physical Records: All physical documents and communication of SECOR shall be retained for five (5) years, and stored by SECOR, available for inspection by the public through an official CORA request, subject to timelines disclosed by CORA.

Digital Records: All digital documents and communications of the Representative shall be retained for five (5) years and stored on digital devices. These documents and communications are available by official CORA request, subject to timelines disclosed by CORA.


Record: document or communication produced in the course of official business.

Physical Record: Any paper copy of document, communications, memos, or records.

Digital Records: documents or communication existing within electronic devices or cloud locations used by SECOR.

Intellectual Property: any notes, research, or concepts not in official form.

Website Posting Policy


The purpose of this Policy is to outline website posting procedures for Southeast Colorado Opioid Region 19 (“SECOR”). This policy pertains to Board members, staff members, grantees and providers in the region addressing the opioid epidemic.


In order to accommodate requests to post events and information to the SECOR website, located at, the SECOR Board requires the following:

  1. Event information will be sent to the SECOR Facilitator no later than thirty (30) days prior to an event so that it can be reviewed and approved by the Board, in its sole and absolute discretion.
  2. Board approval may be given electronically.
  3. If approved, the event shall be posted on the SECOR website prior to the event and removed within three (3) days after the event.
  4. Approval of a posting on an event does not constitute support of the event, financially or of its policy.


Concerns about an event shall be directed to the SECOR facilitator to be brought before the SECOR Board.


The SECOR Board shall not be responsible for the accuracy or content of the event posting.


SECOR does not discriminate against any views. All content posted shall be related to providing resources to the public and community members to deal with the opioid epidemic. SECOR does not verify the identity of the participants. Any person or organization that does not comply with this Policy may be refused the future ability to post to SECOR’s website.

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