Board Minutes: November 18, 2024

Present, County Represented
Blaine Arbuthnot, Terry McMillian, Crowley
Meagan Hillman, Prowers
Joni Wilk, Bent
Rob Oquist, Otero
Meagan Hillman, Kiowa
Karl Sporleder, Huerfano
Felix Lopez, Las Animas
Eppie Griego, Steve Bryant, Pueblo

Call to Order
Felix Lopez called the meeting to order at 3:05 p.m.

Approval of Agenda
Rob Oquist and Steve Bryant moved and seconded the approval of the Agenda – Agenda approved.

Approval of Minutes
Steve Bryant and Rob Oquist moved and seconded the approval of the minutes – Minutes approved.

Facilitator Update
Rose gave an update on the infrastructure grant from the State has just been released. There is additional funding from the National Settlement had been requested and Wendy Andrade and Jack Paterson had done the request for the Region on the portal. The total for the next two years of funding at $3,657,403.68.

VOTING ITEM: Previously tabled voting item for Pueblo Department of Public Health and Environment’s request to reallocated funds because United Way is no longer their fiscal agent.

A motion was made by Rob Oquist and Steve Bryant seconded the motion to remove the tabled item for discussion. – Motion approved.

Jessica Apodaca, Pueblo County Public Health and Environment explained they need to revise the budget as United Way is no longer their fiscal agent. The funds for administrative fee will be rolled back into the budget and used for services.

Joni Wilke and Terry McMillian moved to approve the Pueblo County budget reallocation. A roll call vote was called:

  • Baca – Absent
  • Bent – Yes
  • Crowley County – Yes
  • Kiowa – Yes
  • Otero – Yes
  • Huerfano – Yes
  • Las Animas – Yes
  • Prowers – Yes
  • Pueblo – Yes

Motion approved.

Presentation by Safeside Recovery by Rob Miller. Harm reduction and recovery with recovery coaching, medication assisted treatment is now being offered at the Pueblo Rescue Mission. They are offering housing assistance, domestic violence work and have opened a drop-in center for Pueblo. At Project Apollo they have handed out 9 cases of Narcan and are using the van, purchased with grant funding, to help with pop-up outreach supplies. They have also funded one Peer Specialist, with the grant funding, and have hired another five Peers because of the increase of work they are doing in Pueblo. Safeside sisterhood is also growing with the Peer options as well. They are also doing surveys for feedback from people they are servicing and shared some of the feedback on the PowerPoint.

Voting Item for Wendy’s Reimbursement for mileage to the Opioid Conference
Rob Oquist and Karl Sporleder/Meagan Hillman moved and seconded the approval of the mileage for the two-day conference. A roll call vote was called:

  • Baca – Absent
  • Bent – Yes
  • Crowley County – Yes
  • Kiowa – Yes
  • Otero – Yes
  • Huerfano – Yes
  • Las Animas – Yes
  • Prowers – Yes
  • Pueblo – Yes

Motion approved.

Criminal Justice Item discussion on the $453,220.62 (2024 fiscal year). Extensive discussion was had on the MOU and the different ways to get the money out and into the counties to use in the capacity for Criminal Justice. The direction given was for the facilitator to wait until the first of 2025 to send out the RFP and open it out outside entities for proposals and evaluate the submissions then.

There was a discussion on the Bylaws. On Page 3 of the Bylaws, it addresses the non-voting members and this can include former or current elected officials as well as county employees. The discussion also addressed new board members orientation with the settlement funding. Felix also asked about Page 5 and the 2-year terms that are described in the Bylaws and the need for each county to make their reappointments. The Board also decided that in the January meeting they would also like to establish a yearly reorganization and vote on the Chair and Vice Chair appointments.

Executive session was held regarding the Treatment RFP. The next meeting was also set for December 9th at 3:00 pm.

Executive Session:
Rob Oquist and Dennis Pearson motioned to go into executive session pursuant to C.R.S. Section 24-6-402 (e) for the purpose of determining positions relative to matters that may be subject to negotiations; developing strategy for negotiations and instructing negotiators related to Treatment. – Motion approved.

Blaine Arbuthnot and Meagan Hillman motioned to come out of executive session. – Motion approved; regular session was resumed at 4:25 p.m.

Voting Item: Treatment Funds and additional applicant awards
Rob Oquist and Meagan Hillman moved and seconded to table the item. A roll call vote was taken:

  • Baca – Absent
  • Bent – Yes
  • Crowley County – Yes
  • Kiowa – Yes
  • Otero – Yes
  • Huerfano – Yes
  • Las Animas – Yes
  • Prowers – Yes
  • Pueblo – Yes

Additional Business
The infrastructure grant from the Attorney General’s office is now out and will be awarded by June 2025. The amount is $5 million dollars and the next meeting the region would like for Board members to bring their ideas from the region to help the SECOR sponsor an applicant.

Blaine Arbuthnot and Karl Sporleder motioned to adjournment. – Motion approved and the meeting was adjourned at 4:31 p.m.

Next Meeting:
Monday, December 9, 2024 at 3:00 p.m.

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