Present, County Represented
Blaine Arbuthnot, Terry McMillian, Crowley
Meagan Hillman, Prowers
Kim McDonnell, Joni Wilk, Bent
Rob Oquist, Otero
Meagan Hillman, Dennis Pearson, Kiowa
Karl Sporleder, Huerfano
Felix Lopez, Las Animas
Eppie Griego, Pueblo
Call to Order
Felix Lopez called the meeting to order at 3:02 p.m.
Approval of Agenda
Rob Oquist moved and Eppie Griego seconded the approval of the Agenda – Agenda approved.
Approval of Minutes
Rob Oquist moved and Blaine Arbuthnot seconded the approval of the minutes – Minutes approved.
Facilitator Update
VOTING ITEM: Pueblo County had some questions on their Prevention and Education funding and was wanting to ask for an extension. Rose tried to get them on the phone to answer the questions in regards to their extension and for a full explanation of the reasons for the extension, but was unable to get ahold of anyone to join the meeting.
It was decided unanimously to just table this voting item until the next meeting to make sure that the Board has a good explanation of the reasons for the request for extension on their grants reporting.
VOTING ITEM: Ratify email poll concluding October 2, 2024 correcting grant amount to Las Animas/Huerfano Public Health for Prevention and Education funding in the amount of $291,264. (Note: previous Board vote was for $582,528).
Meagan Hillman moved and Eppie Griego seconded the ratification of the email poll. A roll call vote was taken:
- Baca – Absent
- Bent – Yes
- Crowley – Yes
- Huerfano – Yes
- Kiowa – Yes
- Las Animas – Yes
- Otero – Yes
- Prowers – Yes
- Pueblo – Yes
Motion approved.
VOTING ITEM: Consider approval of an extension of the 23-01 Treatment grant for Health Solutions to May 1, 2025 – LeAnna Pacheco present for questions from Health Solutions. No questions were asked.
Joni Wilk moved and Karl Sporleder seconded the motion to approve the extension. A roll call vote was taken:
- Baca – Absent
- Bent – Yes
- Crowley – Yes
- Huerfano – Yes
- Kiowa – Yes
- Las Animas – Yes
- Otero – Yes
- Prowers – Yes
- Pueblo – Yes
Motion approved.
VOTING ITEM: Consider awarding 2 nd year funding for Treatment:
*Southern Colorado Health Network, requested funding $282,311
Southern Colorado Harm Reduction Association, requested funding $125,708
Redline Contemporary Art Center, requested funding $141,800
Friendly Harbor Community Center, requested funding $100,00
Colorado Coalition for the Homeless, requested funding $322,794
*Porch Light Health, requested funding $82,518,.25
Common Spirit Health St. Mary Corwin Hospital, requested funding $60,000
*Pending approval by RFP committee
Total funding requested this cycle: $1,115,131.25 ($244,530.60 carry-over).
Discussion was had on carry-over to next cycle or year.
Rob Oquist motioned and Blaine Arbuthnot second the motion to fund per the recommendations of the RFP committee, with the two pending approval. A roll call vote was taken:
- Baca – Absent
- Bent – Yes
- Crowley – Yes
- Huerfano – Yes
- Kiowa – Yes
- Las Animas – Yes
- Otero – Yes
- Prowers – Yes
- Pueblo – Yes
Motion approved.
Other Business
Discussion was had on the question of the 3-year audit on the RFP. Meagan Hillman asked about stability. Blaine Arbuthnot asked about change of ownership and how that works with new ownership of applicants. Does this mean audit or financials? Financial reviews can be 3 years. Some of the small entities have financial reviews but do not have the cost to do a full audit each year and this is not required with non-profits that are smaller. The group decided on having it mean 3-years of financial either audited or financial reviews. Rose will work on the language for the flexibility and will double check with the MOU and the Attorney Generals office to make sure SECOR is compliant with the terms of the settlement.
Discussion was also had on the Criminal Justice line item of $453,220.62 for the Second Year Funding. There was a question regarding whether the Board want to give the money to the counties and it had been suggested to be used in the jails for jail-based services.
Meagan Hillman talked about not all counties in the region have jails and that instead of allocation to the Sheriff’s office for the jails, all the counties have Public Health departments and they are already distributing Narcan to the public. The best use of the funds would be given to the Public Health departments to continue these efforts.
Joni Wilk also agreed with Meagan that the money should be given to the health departments to continue the efforts with free Narcan to the public. Felix Lopez would not mind $50,000 being given to the counties to continue the criminal justice outreach with the Narcan. Blaine Arbuthnot brought up a question regarding the expired Narcan and handing that out and wanted to make sure that the Board asked CTSI on this issue. Even if the counties give the expired Narcan to non-profits, is there any liability?
Kim McDonnell wanted to plant a seed for a board expansion of an advisory committee. As current elected officials change and the Board continues to evolve, she thought it would be good to make sure that the Board has a committee of experts to advise the voting members of the trends in the Opioid world. The Board agreed that this is a very good idea and will be working on the structure. Terri Schreiber volunteered to help organize this effort and will try to get the advisory meetings to start in January.
Discussion was held on when to hold the next meeting. November 11 th is Veteran’s day and many of the counties are closed that day. It was discussed and decided that the next meeting will be held the following week on November 18 th at 3:00 pm.
Rob Oquist and Eppie Griego motioned to adjournment. – Motion approved
Next Meeting:
Monday, November 18th, 2024 at 3:00 p.m.